Arianna Rehak - Offering "Tribrid" Events | Ep #50
Arianna Rehak, CEO of Matchbox Virtual Media, and her team coined the term "tribrid" to describe the three distinct categories of experiences when offering an event both in person and virtually in order to meet the needs of each unique audience.
Category 1 — Experiences designed exclusively for the face-to-face community
Category 2 — Experiences exclusively for the virtual community
Category 3 — Experiences strategically built for both the face-to-face and virtual audience to participate together which serves to build community among the entire set of attendees.
When thinking about a "hybrid" event model we often assume the needs of each audience are the same and that is not true. Arianna shares why and how those planning and leading sessions must be flexible in order to meet the needs of two unique audiences at the same event.
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